In 1990, Sezai Türkeş, one of the most prominent industrial leaders of time, established a school for highly gifted and economically disadvantaged children called Inanc Turkes High School to the honor his wife. In 2001, Turkish Education Foundation (TEV), one of the biggest non-profit organizations, took over the business and took the responsibility of education of these special students.
The purposes of TEVITOL are to prepare students for their future roles and as leaders in their society, to develop each student’s special gifts and talents, recognizing their individual strengths, to encourage them to think globally and act locally by sharing their talents within the community and beyond.
The campus founded on a unique location with picturesque view of Marmara Sea, is a small learning village where student teachers and nonacademic staff live and learn together.
In TEVITOL, students are guided by foreign and Turkish teachers. The education period, including the preparation year, is 5 years in total. The graduated students continue their educations abroad or in Turkey, it depends on their personal choices.
For more informations, kick on this link and download the presentation: Presentation-turkey_file